Obedience, Rally, Agility

Obedience, Rally & Agility

I trained my first dog in official obedience when I was twelve years old, and believe to this day that it’s important for ANY breed, in ANY home. I started training with the Dobermans we had, and then did Obedience Trials with the Dobes, as well as other people’s dogs. In 1988, I had the only Doberman in Canada to earn a Utility Dog title – the highest obedience level you can do.

Gambit Utility 1988

I have trained and earned all levels of obedience titles on over 12 dogs, including Dobermans, Rottweilers, Malamutes, and of course, Samoyeds!

Lubin (father of Nanuk) CD 1989


Nanuk CD 1995

Krystal CD 1996

In 2011, I became active in Rally Obedience, and Finnigan became the first Sershan Samoyed to earn his Rally Novice title, followed by Vixen and Tucker, in 2012.

Finnigan Rally Novice Title 2011

I unfortunately don’t have the time (or energy!) for Agility, but thankfully other owners of Sershan Samoyeds do!

“Taiga” – Can Ch Sershan’s White Lightning